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Just Engaged? Here's Your Guide to Starting the Journey Together!

Congratulations on your engagement! This thrilling milestone marks the beginning of a beautiful chapter in your life. As you revel in the joy of saying "yes" and celebrating with loved ones, it's also a time to start considering the initial steps to kickstart your journey towards marriage.

Here's a handy guide on the first things to do when you get engaged:

  1. Celebrate and Share the News: First and foremost, take the time to relish this special moment together. Pop the champagne, embrace the excitement, and share the news with your close family and friends. Whether it's an intimate gathering or a virtual announcement, spreading the joy sets the tone for the upcoming journey.

  2. Discuss Your Vision: Have heart-to-heart conversations about your dreams, expectations, and visions for the wedding and married life. Discuss the type of ceremony you both envision, the size of the celebration, and any specific traditions or themes you want to incorporate. It's crucial to align your expectations from the outset. Make sure to write your vision down and save it somewhere important (like your phone notes) this way when those Pinterest perfect posts start getting distracting you can look back at what is most important.

  3. Pick Your Wedding Season: While there's no rush, having a rough timeline / season in mind can guide your planning. By picking a season this will help determine if you're looking at a short or longer engagement period. When you want to get married strongly influences decisions about venue bookings, budgeting, and other significant arrangements.

  4. Create a Budget: Finances play a pivotal role in wedding planning. Begin by setting a realistic budget that suits your financial situation. This will serve as a guideline for all your wedding-related expenses, helping you make informed decisions moving forward. Many times our couples have a hard time choosing a budget because they don't know the cost of weddings. I always recommend making a "range" with the leading question "what is a number that you feel would be way too much for you personally to spend on a wedding."

  5. Start Drafting a Guest List: Jot down a preliminary guest list. While it may evolve over time, having an initial idea of the number of guests will aid in determining the appropriate venue size and overall planning. You can also come up with an "A,B, & C list". The "A list" being your must haves while your "C list" being the guests that you would love to have if spots open up! (No one has to know you did this!)

  6. Hire a Wedding Planner or at LEAST a Coordinator: Depending on your preference and the scale of your celebration, hiring a wedding planner could ease the planning process. At minimum you need a coordinator to help you no less than 30 days out, and even 30 days out is cutting it close! We started curating our packages to kick start 90 days before the wedding.

  7. Choose a Potential Date and Venue: Selecting a date and venue can be among the most significant early decisions. Start scouting potential venues and check their availability around your preferred date. This can influence other planning aspects, so it's an essential early step.

  8. Take Care of Yourself: Amidst the whirlwind of excitement, remember to take care of your well-being. Prioritize self-care, spend quality time together, and cherish the moments leading up to your big day.

Getting engaged is an exhilarating time filled with love and anticipation. Embrace the journey ahead, communicate openly with your partner, and enjoy every moment as you begin this beautiful chapter together.

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