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How To Vet a Wedding Coordinator

Updated: Dec 26, 2023

So you went through the dating process with your fiance but now you’re about to enter the dating scene with a wedding planner. Even if you don’t book a full-blown wedding planner you need SOME sort of professional/hired help. (more on that later)

I don’t think people realize that they should have a game plan for the vetting process. In fact, most couples book their coordinators because they were ~a good price~. (Spoiler alert- many couples find major #dissapointment in this area) That’s why you should date your coordinator before deciding to marry (aka: hire) them!

Here’s my go-to tips and questions on how to date a potential coordinator/ planner:

  1. Follow them on Instagram. What do they post? Do you feel like they match your style/personality? Do you see them interacting with any vendors that you just love? Does following them make you excited and happy?

  2. Explore their website. How’s their language? Does it sound like it would be a representation of you and your hubby? Is their website clear, easy to follow, and easy to contact them?

  3. Really view their work. Have they orchestrated weddings your size? Have they designed weddings that you cant stop looking at? Would you add their work to your Pinterest board?

  4. Check out their reviews. What are people saying about them? Are they being specific with why they enjoyed working with them? Do they have any reviews from people within the industry? If people are raving about a certain quality they posses is it the quality you need?

  5. Book a discovery call. I cannot stress this last part enough. If your wedding coordinator won’t pick up the phone to talk to you or at least doesn’t offer a discovery call well Houston, we have a problem. Let me put it this way, if they don’t pick up their phone for a potential client (aka someone who is PAYING them) then why would they pick up the phone for one of their vendors?

So let’s say you follow all of the steps and then you get on a call with them. What do you ask on the call? What do you say? They should be asking you a ton of questions and really getting to understand your vision and desires but I do recommend asking them some things as well. When you dated your fiance you probably asked a million questions to see if they were the one worth pursuing. Same with a coordinator! You need to mesh with him or her because more than likely they will walk in while you’re half-naked putting on your dress, they may be sneaking you out the back of your wedding because you drank too much (oops), and they may even see you get emotional through the planning process (we like to think that won’t happen but, let’s get real, it does).

Your wedding coordinator needs to be your go-to girl, your bodyguard, your outside perspective who can give you clear advice. You should vibe with them and be excited to have them on your team!

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